Ztream Escalator: Real-time orchestration
for Streaming Media resources

All inclusive

Billed monthly


per resource/hour

Core features

Volume discounts

Religious, educational, and non-profit organizations may qualify for discounts of up to 50%. Contact us to learn more!


Tailor-made plug-ins
From $ 295 One-time fee
  • Experienced developers
  • Full IPR and source code
  • Dedicated support
  • Custom integration

All inclusive

Billed monthly
Starting at $ 0
Per resource per hour
  • Multi-Cloud & Multi-Region
  • Web-based control plane
  • Management REST API
  • SDK for custom plug-ins


Coming soon! 

We’ll be happy to do the math for you, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Pricing example

Let’s assume that the cost of one resource is $0.10 per hour, and that you  need 20 resources on weekdays, and 150 resources in the weekends. 

Previously you had 150 resources online 24/7:

  • 730 hours x 150 servers x $0.10 = $10,950

Money saved with Escalator $6,482

Here’s how:

  • 20 resources on weekdays    = 2400 hours per week
  • 150 resources on weekends = 7200 hours per weekend

There are 4.3 weeks in a month, so we need 41,280 resource-hours/mo. The cost for Escalator is as follows:

  • The first 750 hours are included in the base fee of $15
  • The next 6750 hours cost $121.50
  • The last 33780 hours cost $202.68

Cost for Escalator  $  339.18
Cost for resources $4128.00

Total monthly cost $4,467.18